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Housing Authority Minutes 03/01/2011

The regular meeting of the LHA was held on Tuesday Mar. 1, 2011 at 3:00 PM at Curtis.
  • The meeting was called to order by Chairman Nasman at 3:00 PM.
  • Roll Call:              Present – Cindy Nasman, Chairman
   Catherine May, Vice Chairman/State Appointee
   Tess Sorrentino, Treasurer
   Marge Pero, Jan Ward, Members    
    Martha Joyner, Exec. Dir.    Others:  Salvaggio                                                                 r
  • Tenant Forum
No topic requests for agenda.  
  • Minutes/Feb. regular meeting.
Cathie requested a correction. Marge made the motion to accept as edited, Tess seconded, all in attendance voted in favor. Minutes will be sent to the town web site.  
  • Accounts payable/Feb.
Accounts payable for Feb. were approved.  Jan. account reconciliation distributed, no subsidy earned as of this date, 4001 bal. approximately $14,700(no rents), no 689 MMA transfer to 4001, as of 2/28/11 Curtis porch fund balance $630.75($10donation rec.).  
F. Salvaggio submitted a Curtis Consignment Shop letter update. Currently open Sat.  12-4, Sun. 11-3 and hours will expand when weather improves.  Shop has high quality hand crafts and art for sale.  Proceeds from the shop will be reconciled every 3 months.  The board asked if it would be possible to be open during the Apr. 28 Open House –  
F. Salvaggio was more than willing to accommodate that request.
  • Project updates
Curtis porch corner – columns have been installed/railings will be installed as soon as the weather cooperates.  The West St. emergency bathroom repairs are 85% complete.  Cost will depend on the extent of the rot found, and invoice will be submitted to DHCD for emergency funding as an advance from formula funding.
  • Vacancies
As of 3/1/11 Curtis – 1, TT – 2, Families –0.
  • CPA
The Exec. Dir.  presented the porch restoration application on 2/28 at 7 PM.
Mar. 7 will be the public hearing for all the applications.  Exec. Dir. will attend.   
  • Old Business
M. Pero has taken out papers for the one year unexpired term.  C. Nasman has chosen not to run again. If anyone knows of someone interested in serving, please contact the town clerk.  The Open House scheduled for 4/28 was discussed.  Tess will write/send the invitation out to all town boards, LPD, LFD, pharmacies, banks, Rep. Pignatelli and Sen. Downing.  Tess will forward it to be printed in the Senior Sentry.  Exec. Dir. will distribute to all tenants. Tess and Exec. Dir. will compose a brochure.  Open House and Dining to Donate plans will be finalized at April meeting.  Att. Boraski acknowledged receipt (2/16) of our counterproposal for water/sewer usage and is reviewing contents with S. Barry and will make a counter offer shortly.


  • New Business - None
  • C. Nasman adjourned the meeting at 4:15 PM, and stated that the next regular meeting will be April 5, 2011 at the Curtis in order to finalize plans for Open House.  All members in attendance voted in favor.  
Respectfully Submitted,

Martha Joyner, Secretary to the Board
Executive Director                                    
